Out of a Year of Taking Pictures
January 1 - Clams, cream, clogs, cairns.
for Rirkrit's Dutch Museum Show
January 2 - In a photo, Richter and Polke are in bed at the Hotel Diana under polka dot covers.
January 3 - Bran muffins, coffee, apples-of-Sodom. Eating tricolor pasta with Broodthaers in Trieste.
January 4 - Sharks in New York Harbor. I lie about waiting to fend off offal. But bought steel on Canal Street.
January 5 - Mussels in garlic sauce in Flushing. Driving a 1977 Mercedes down the Harlem River Drive.
January 6 - Keats can be heard at the seaside - Homer felt in the forest. I'm History project: blue velvet bag with '1835' stamped on it; barbed wire inside from San Cristobal, New Mexico.
January 7 - New word painting: Greenland-Graveyard-Greek Torso.
January 8 - Rokokoschlafzimmer: Lotti and I bank on seeing the 'one-eyed kitty' on Tenth Street
January 9 - Picture this: Middle schoolers in Peong Yang hoeing yarrow on a mountainside in May.
January 10 - Loops of fire across membranes of remembering.